Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hey Everyone!

Just a heads up Combat Arms TV is going LIVE again!
On February 8th @ 1:30 PM, PST you will get your first sneak peek of the new Rural Estate Map!

I know from the last Combat Arms TV...we had previewed the Nemexis HQ map. Kalika had stated in the next "update" that the Nemexis map would be available to play. Anyone betting that in the next update for CA, Rural Estate will be released?

You want some more interesting tid-bits you can head over to Combat Arms' wikia HERE

More info posted below.

End of Transmission!


Attention, soldier!

Do you have all the intel you need to survive in Combat Arms? Not if you’re not watching Combat Arms TV! Combat Arms TV is a streaming web show that brings you into the world of Combat Arms in a whole new way.

Combat Arms TV will be streamed LIVE on:

February 8, 2012 at 1:30 PM Pacific

This week, we'll give you a sneak peek at the new user designed map, Rural Estate. New intel suggests that a terrorist cell has taken a nearby estate as their supply base! Join the infiltration squad and defeat those terrorists!

To catch it, simply head to Twitch TV.

It's that easy.

Catch Combat Arms TV on February 8, 2012 at 1:30 PM Pacific

--Combat Arms Command--




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