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Monday, October 31, 2011
Hey Everyone!
I hope you had a GREAT weekend! It is now 12:05EST, and everyone knows what that means....... HALLOWEEN!!!
From the Staff at Legit Combat Arms, we would like to wish you all a very SAFE and Happy Halloween!
Have a great day, eat lots of candy and cider; scare a few people and don't forget to share!
See you in the server!!
-LCA Staff!

Dont Forget to Pause/Stop the Music Playlist before Watching!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Has anyone seen the new post today from Combat Arms Command? If not, check it out!!

Happy Halloween Soldiers!

It’s that time of year again! Time to dress up as your favorite Mercenary, hand out some bullet-flavored tricks to the enemy and take advantage of a whole mess of treats coming from us at Combat Arms Command. We’ve got a lot of amazing events for you, with tons of free gear and a new seasonal look for Combat Arms!

Oh, and keep checking back in! There's going to be a lot more events added in the days to come, so don't go anywhere!

Halloween Time in Combat Arms!

From now through Halloween, Combat Arms will be decorated to get you in the haunting spirit! We’ve put decorations on our lobby and made your headshots a whole lot more appetizing. Be sure to login to take a gander at it all!

Coffin Backpack and Pumpkin Grenade Login Reward!

Want another reason to hop in-game? Logging into Combat Arms on October 27th will award you with a free 1 day Pumpkin Grenade!

Logging into Combat Arms on October 28th, 29th and 30th will award you a free 1 Day 3-Slot Coffin Backpack, and logging into Combat Arms on Halloween (October 31st) will earn you a free 7 Day 3-Slot Coffin Backpack! Be sure to login and load up with this spooky backpack!

Sick Halloween Sickle Sale!

From now through October 31st, we’re going to be putting the fan-favoriteHalloween Sickle back on sale once again for 7 and 30 day durations!

Oh, and that's not all. Check out the shop for the 1 and 7 Day Pumpkin Head and 7 Day Infected Host and Virus Masks! Be sure to check back in, there's more sales coming!

Remeber, we've got more great events and sales coming, so keep checking back in and enjoy your Halloween!

-Combat Arms Command-
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Hey Everyone! I hope you all are having a great week! Here at LCA we've been busy as ever with the launching of our website Legit Combat Arms ! I told you there might be some surprises by the end of the week, and here is a BIG one. Our programmer: Road, has finished the coding on our Beta Scanner. I'm sure there may be tweaks here and there... as everyone knows coding is never truly done. However, because it is in its (beta) stages it has not been released. But should be within the next week on our website. With that being said, I figured I would shoot you a link to our Youtube: Legit Combat Arms, Youtube Channel where you will be able to get a sneak peak. The video is a little long, but we did it for a purpose so everyone can see that it was taken in real time and not altered in any way.

So with that being said I would definitely like to give some thank you(s) and props to our staff at LCA: Road, Fud, Bosh, and Elegan <--- you guys are AMAZING!! I know everything is time consuming and you guys put in a lot of hard work to get us started from the ground up, and without you ~ none of this would be possible. So give credit where credit is definitely due. 

We still have  A LOT of updates to do, but we're definitely hoping to launch this as a cloud based app available to all our members on Legit Combat Arms' website (within the coming week)... so if you're not a member, head over to the site, register and join our forums... we're always open to suggestions, feedback, comments and criticism....

Hope to see you there!
-LCA Staff

Monday, October 24, 2011
There is a new forum set up on the LCA Website. Head on over and check it out. Don't forget to customize your profile. There's tons of new features (Compose Emails, Send PM's to Members, New Emoticons/Font Palette, Feed/Subscribe Alerts). There's just too many to list, but regardless it's awesome! Many 'props' to our boy Elegan for hookin us up!

Many more updates to come, including to the blog! We're still in development stages so bare with us! But not to fear about being Tricked this week, because there just may be a TREAT in store for us. I would tell ya, but that would ruin the surprise.... =) 

Hope everyone had a great weekend! 
We look forward to seeing you on CA!
-LCA Staff 
Saturday, October 22, 2011
We're in the process of doing massive updates and expanding our website to blogspot! We might be biting off more then we can chew, but we want to give you (our members) a better and more pleasurable gaming environment! So bare with us while we're doing this massive overhaul. As always you can reach us at our website: Legit Combat Arms, take a look-see, view our forums and interact with our Members. You can always write us suggestions and give us feedback!

Please visit our Facebook and Twitter page, and as always don't forget to bookmark us!

Legit Combat Arms on Facebook

Legit Combat Arms on Twitter

- LCA Staff.



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