Friday, November 4, 2011

Ok so I'm confused, we're having maintenance a 3rd time?
News flash Nexon... we're still waiting even after you posted it was complete.
"Supposedly" all the accounts that were rolled back to Copper Grade, from Bronze has been resolved. So you may have to check your account(s) afterward to see if you can now get into the Black Market Server.

In the mean time Nexon is still doing updates. The good news... we will be compensated for our loss of time!

Read on Soldier, Read on....
-LCA Staff


Maintenance has been completed!

Here are some of the issues we addressed:
• Improved Server performance.• Sprinting will no longer cause weapons to fail to fire.
• Grenades held during sprinting will no longer be thrown when sprinting ends.
We regret to inform you that we are still resolving the issues encountered during the patch process. We are very sorry for the delay and will compensate you for the loss of play time due to this extension. Please check back here for more info. Again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
Unfortunately, the maintenance has been extended. Please keep checking back here for updates. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
Dear Players,
We will be performing a scheduled maintenance on all game servers Thursday morning starting at 7:00 AM (PDT). During this period, Combat Arms will be unavailable. Game maintenance will last 
approximately 6 hours.

Thank you for your patience.


Pacific: 7:00 AM ~ 1:00 PM, Thursday, November 3rd, 2011
Eastern: 10:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM, Thursday, November 3rd, 2011


• Combat Arms will be unavailable




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