Tuesday, November 22, 2011
The SALES are starting TOMORROW! We've completed all (3) Weeks of, Facebook goals.

So this is Nexon's big update tonight!

Don't forget to sign into your accounts on those selected times (see below),
if you're interested in your Daily Login Rewards too!

Here is the final round-up on all the sales!

See YOU on the servers... and hopefully with some nice goodies in your
inventory as well! =)

-LCA Staff

The Black Friday Blow-up Sale is Almost Here!

Congratulations, soldiers!

The Black Friday Blow-Up Sale is a big deal, and your hard work over these past four weeks has made it even bigger. We issued you a challenge, and every week the official Combat Arms Facebook page hit the designated number of “Likes,” unlocking the entire Platinum level Black Friday sale.

To make it even bigger, we’re starting the Black Friday Blow-Up Sale two days early! 
Check out the video below for a special thank you from the Combat Arms team, then start taking advantage of the savings you earned!
Check out the list below to see everything available November 23 through November 27, 2011. You'll see old favorites, brand new beauties, NX, and GP items!  

Enjoy the holiday weekend, and thank you for supporting Combat Arms!--Combat Arms Command--


Check out the list below to see everything available November 23 through November 27, 2011. You'll see old favorites, brand new beauties, NX, and GP items!  
If you'd like to take this list into the field with you, why not download the .pdf?




*Donations to LCA will be used exclusively for LCA Website and Hosting Fees. Any additional monies received will be used for LCA Events. All donations are final. Thank you for contributing!

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