Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Hey Everyone!

I hope your week is going good! Here at LCA our staff has been busy preparing for the New Year! Fud is currently closing out a lot of the scan applications from 2011. So you will notice the forums change slightly on the Legit Combat Arms website, it is because we are updating it.

Also, the blog is currently being updated, and you should see some changes taking place tonight on the LCA Website (regarding the banner, theme), etc.

In closing, some of the LCA staff are on Vacation (due to this week being a holiday in the United States). So just to remind our international members (if you find the LCA hosted rooms are less available during this week) it is because some staff members are on Holiday.

Thank you for your time and understanding. We would like to wish you all a Wonderful, Safe, and Happy New Years!

&& LCA Staff

P.S. I added the version of "Holiday" by Madonna to the music player, requested by Navy. If you join a server with him, be sure to play it. *wink* <3




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