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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hey Everyone,

Just a heads up, Nexon is experiencing some difficulties due to a flood of attack attempts on their servers. There is NO estimated time when this issue will be fixed. Nexon is aware of the situation and they are working diligently to address it. Your account information is SAFE, so do not be alarmed. this attack is only effecting the bandwidth in which is needed to redeem your prepaid cards. So you may need to hold off, or keep retrying if you are redeeming them.

-LCA Staff


Attention soldiers,

Our prepaid card redemption service is currently under attack by groups or individuals attempting to keep you from redeeming your prepaid cards. You may experience disconnects and lag if you attempt to redeem your Nexon Game Cards or Karma Koins at this time.

The attackers are using what is commonly known as a distributed denial-of-service, or DDoS, attack. These attacks flood our servers with unusable information, clogging our bandwidth and preventing your connections from coming through.

These attacks will, in no way, affect your account information.

We want you to know that we are working around the clock to stop these attacks. Thank you for your patience and your continued support while we fight to provide you a better experience.

--Combat Arms Command--




*Donations to LCA will be used exclusively for LCA Website and Hosting Fees. Any additional monies received will be used for LCA Events. All donations are final. Thank you for contributing!

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