Friday, October 26, 2012

Attention Soldiers,

Do you have what it takes to become a Lead Farmer? From now through November 6th, all players in Combat Arms will have the opportunity to grow their rewards to their heart's content!
In order to join in, all you need to do log in and play! Logging in will grant you a new Siebold Primrose Seed for you to grow, which can be found in the Lead Farmer Event menu in the CA Start Menu.
If you want, you can Harvest the Seed immediately to be rewarded a Siebold Primrose Seed Case, containing either 10x 100% EXP Passes, 100% GP Passes or the 200%/25% EXP/GP Combo Pass!
Of course, that's ignoring the real rewards! All you need to do to grow your Seed is to keep playing Combat Arms. Play for 60 minutes and your seed will grow into a Siebold Primrose Sprout, which can be harvested for a Siebold Primrose Sprout Case, which contains a powerful, random Function item, including the Infected Mutagens, Super Elite Moderator or a Weapon Renewal Kit!
But harvesting that Sprout will keep you from the best reward! Play for another 180 minutes and the Sprout will grow into a Siebold Primrose Flower, which you can Harvest for a Siebold Primrose Case, containing a powerful gear item, such as the Recon Vest or Anti-Flash Goggles, an elegant Cosmetic item, like the Maverick Helmet or Trench Backpack, or possibly even 1-3 Weapon Reneal Kits, Super Weapon Renewal Kits, up to 10 Black HiSec Keys or even a chance at a 1 or 7 day Demonic Epic, including Orthus, Legion and Azazel!
If you Harvest your Seed, Sprout or Flower, you'll be given a new Seed in the next day for you to start it all over again, and if you want to work for that Flower but don't have the time in one day? Just don't Harvest, and you'll find your progress saved for the next day!
Remember, this event goes away on November 6th, so get your rewards while you can!
--Combat Arms Command--




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