Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Attention Soldiers!
So the 3rd and FINAL installment is here for the Black Friday Specials next week! We're doing a GREAT job getting others and spreading the word to join Facebook and 'like' Combat Arms. We need to push extra hard this week and complete the goal of 715,000 likes! So start recruiting and sign up for Facebook if you haven't already and make sure you visit Combat Arms' Facebook page and LIKE them!
-LCA Staff
Black Friday Blow-up!

Coming Nov. 25th - Nov. 27th, Combat Arms will have its annual Black Friday Blow-Up and you can help make it even bigger! Each week in November leading up to the 25th, we’re going to reveal a portion of the discounts, sale items, and special events that will be available during the Blow-Up. You'll see old favorites, brand new beauties, NX, and GP items!  

The default list of items is the Gold level, but each week you have an opportunity to push the Blow-Up benefits even further to the Platinum level!  With each week’s announcement , we’re going to give you a Facebook Challenge: If Combat Arms reaches the designated number of Facebook Likes, we’ll increase the rewards to the Platinum level! The sales at this level are going to be simply unbelievable, so you’d better hit up Facebook and tell your friends to give you a hand!

Congratulations on reaching Platinum level for week two! Week three has even more incredible deals including the MYST- Infinity case that will always net you a PERMANENT weapon if you reach Platinum level!

Check out the video below for more details on week two's Gold and Platinum Levels!




*Donations to LCA will be used exclusively for LCA Website and Hosting Fees. Any additional monies received will be used for LCA Events. All donations are final. Thank you for contributing!

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