Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Oh what an interesting week it will be in LCA Hosted Rooms.
Feel like beating each other with some drum sticks? Don't
forget this week they are also implementing the 300% Boost, so
you just might want to beat some zombies with it too! *wink*

See YOU on the servers!
-LCA Staff

Happy Thanksgiving!

As everyone knows, Thursday, November 24th is Thanksgiving in the United States, a day of great feasting and a wonderful time to meet up with friends and family.
Of course, it’s also a great time to eat a lot of turkey. We here at Combat Arms love turkey so much, we’re going to throw as much of it at you as we can! Just login to Combat Arms this week to get your hands on the most delicious gear Combat Arms has to offer!
On Tuesday, November 22nd, login between 12:01 and 1:00 AM PST or between 4:00 and 8:00 PM PST and receive a free 7 day Turkey Balaclava!
On Wednesday, November 23rd, login between 12:01 and 1:00 AM PST or between 4:00 and 8:00 PM PST and receive a free 7 day Turkey Leg!
And on Thanksgiving Day, login between 12:01 and 1:00 AM PST or between 4:00 and 8:00 PM PST and get yourself a free 7 day Turkey Platter 2 slot backpack!
Oh, and don’t forget to check out our Black Friday Blow-up Sales!
- Combat Arms Command -




*Donations to LCA will be used exclusively for LCA Website and Hosting Fees. Any additional monies received will be used for LCA Events. All donations are final. Thank you for contributing!

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