Thursday, November 17, 2011
So maintenance is estimated to last 9 hours today. So, make sure to sign on an try to complete your 5shots (if you haven't done so already), by the allotted time maintenance is to start, as they will be disappearing with the next update to CA.

In the meantime, head over to the Legit Combat Arms' website and hang out with our members in the forums. Also be sure to stop by and make sure you vote on your maps this week as they will be changing the rotation soon!

See you on the servers!
-LCA Staff


Dear Players,
We will be performing a Game Update on all game servers on Thursday, November 17, starting at 7:00 AM (PST). During this period, Combat Arms will be unavailable. Game maintenance will last
approximately 9 hours.

Thank you for your patience.


Pacific: 7:00 AM ~ 4:00 PM, Thursday, November 17th, 2011
Eastern: 10:00 AM ~ 7:00 PM, Thursday, November 17th, 2011


• Combat Arms will be unavailable




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PST: Clock (Server)

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