Friday, November 4, 2011
Hey Everyone!
Checked out the news from CA and figured I'd pass it along.... 
Whenever they get done with the maintenance, I'm sure a lot of theses sales may be rolled back if not by an extra day, possibly the weekend. *keep your fingers crossed* if you were hoping to get some of these items into your inventory for permanent. 
-LCA Staff


Attention Soldiers! The PERMANENT duration of the Tanker Vest is now in the Black Market and Webshop for purchase through the weekend! Get it while you can!

The PERMANENT Tanker Vest is on sale until November 7th at 11:00AM PST. 

Tanker Vest - This vest, normally utilized by tank crews, provides the first class protection of a Heavy Vest while still maintaining a good degree of mobility.--Combat Arms Command--


Are you a trendsetter? Are you always listening to songs months before they're on the radio? Do your friends look up to you for your savvy shopping tips?  Then this sale is for you!

You now have the opportunity to be the envy of your friends and enemies on the battlefield with an exclusive Preview Sale of a brand new assault rifle, the CZ805.

The 90 Day and PERMANENT CZ805 is on sale for 24 hours only! Get it between November 3rd at 6:00 pm and November 4th at 6:00 pm PDT. 

CZ805 - Hailing from the Czech Republic, this modern assault rifle is equipped with a rail system to support a variety of scopes and sights plus a collapsable stock that improves portability.--Combat Arms Command--




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